National Taiwan Ocean University

Office of Library and Information Technology


Audiovisual media


Book classification
  1. Generalities ( 23 )
  2. Philosophy & psychology ( 51 )
  3. Religion ( 6 )
  4. Natural sciences & mathematics ( 245 )
  5. Technology(Applied sciences) ( 212 )
  6. Social sciences ( 342 )
  7. Chinese geography & history ( 51 )
  8. Geography & history ( 248 )
  9. Language ( 69 )
  10. Literature & rhetoric ( 5 )
  11. The arts ( 1639 )
  1. Appendix Area ( 15 )
  2. AV for Circulation ( 1207 )
  3. Home Video ( 299 )
  4. AV Room ( 1 )
  5. MOVIE ( 1243 )
  6. MPAA rating R ( 56 )
  7. 5F Chinese Books ( 1 )
  8. 5F Avth Room ( 2 )
  9. 4F English Books ( 1 )
  10. Reference ( 2 )
  11. Appendix ( 1 )
  12. In Library Use ( 5 )
  13. 3F Dream Ocean ( 85 )
Search Natural sciences & mathematics & 3F Dream Ocean
TitleCall numberBarcodeLocation
1 餘生共游 [錄影資料] = Beyond the blue 388.591 4183 DVD N013815 3F Dream Ocean
2 舞動北海生命 [錄影資料] : 北部海域生物及生態影片合輯 = The life of Northern Taiwan waters 367.89 1063 2004 DVD N013399 3F Dream Ocean
3 改變中的海洋 [錄影資料] = Changing seas 351.9 5022 DVD N013942 3F Dream Ocean
4 海洋綠洲 [錄影資料] = Ocean oasis 351.9 3323 N011630 3F Dream Ocean
5 海洋生態的奧秘 [錄影資料] = Sea Scope 367.89 4860 N011975 3F Dream Ocean
6 記憶珊瑚 [錄影資料] / 354.6 8523 N011976 3F Dream Ocean
7 生命的海流 [錄影資料] = Ocean current 351.9 3671 DVD N013951 3F Dream Ocean
8 透明海洋之旅:為藍鯨發聲 [錄影資料] = The transparentsea voyage 389.76 4022 DVD N014181 3F Dream Ocean
9 深海探秘 [錄影資料] = Operation deep sea : shedding light in the darkness 351.9 0214 DVD N014194 3F Dream Ocean
10 台灣瑰寶 [錄影資料] : 重回海洋 351.9 4037 N012693 3F Dream Ocean
11 陰陽海水舌擴散觀測 [錄影資料] 351.91 3314 DVD N013956 3F Dream Ocean
12 黑潮三部曲 [錄影資料]= Kuroshio 351.975 8036 N010298 3F Dream Ocean
13 深海探險隊 [錄影資料]= Master of the Abyss 351.922 8663 N011364 3F Dream Ocean
14 奇幻蔚藍海 : 迷人海洋 [錄影資料] : 澳洲與大洋洲 = The magic of the big blue : captivating Australia & Oceania 351.9 1186 BD N014218 3F Dream Ocean
15 奇幻蔚藍海 : 北美洲 [錄影資料] = The magic of the big blue : mysterious North America 351.9 1186-4 BD N014222 3F Dream Ocean
16 奇幻蔚藍海 : 南美洲 [錄影資料] : 南美洲 = The magic of the big blue : mysterious South America 351.9 1186-5 BD N014223 3F Dream Ocean
17 生態危機臨界點 [錄影資料] = The tipping points of ecological crisis 328.8018 3027 DVD N014157 3F Dream Ocean
18 奇幻蔚藍海 : 迷人海洋 [錄影資料] : 非洲 = The magic of the big blue : stunning Africa 351.9 1186-3 BD N014221 3F Dream Ocean
19 奇幻蔚藍海 : 歐洲 [錄影資料] : 歐洲 = The magic of the big blue : mysterious Europe 351.9 1186-6 BD N014224 3F Dream Ocean
20 海洋的美麗與哀愁 [錄影資料] = World ocean 351.9 3328 BD N014217 3F Dream Ocean
21 飛越臺灣海岸 [錄影資料] = Taiwan Coastal 351.333 6223 DVD N014436 3F Dream Ocean
22 自然小學堂 : 海洋天堂 [錄影資料] 366.98 5580-2 N015870 3F Dream Ocean
23 平安龜 [錄影資料] 388.791 4183 N015813 3F Dream Ocean
24 Icon earth [videorecording] = 我們只有一個地球 523.4 Ic7 N014576 3F Dream Ocean
25 The cove [videorecording] = 血色海灣 599.53095 C838d DVD N013678 3F Dream Ocean
26 Blue planet [videorecording] : deep trouble = 岌岌可危的海洋生態 551.46 B625d N011658 3F Dream Ocean
27 死亡之海 [錄影資料] : 世紀船難 557.491 4026 N014205 3F Dream Ocean
28 The blue planet [videorecording]= 地球海洋全紀錄 551.46 B625 N008636 3F Dream Ocean
29 Planet ocean [videorecording] = 海洋星球 551.46 P693 DVD N013973 3F Dream Ocean