National Taiwan Ocean University

Office of Library and Information Technology


Audiovisual media


Book classification
  1. Generalities ( 23 )
  2. Philosophy & psychology ( 51 )
  3. Religion ( 6 )
  4. Natural sciences & mathematics ( 245 )
  5. Technology(Applied sciences) ( 212 )
  6. Social sciences ( 342 )
  7. Chinese geography & history ( 51 )
  8. Geography & history ( 248 )
  9. Language ( 69 )
  10. Literature & rhetoric ( 5 )
  11. The arts ( 1639 )
  1. Appendix Area ( 15 )
  2. AV for Circulation ( 1207 )
  3. Home Video ( 299 )
  4. AV Room ( 1 )
  5. MOVIE ( 1243 )
  6. MPAA rating R ( 56 )
  7. 5F Chinese Books ( 1 )
  8. 5F Avth Room ( 2 )
  9. 4F English Books ( 1 )
  10. Reference ( 2 )
  11. Appendix ( 1 )
  12. In Library Use ( 5 )
  13. 3F Dream Ocean ( 85 )
Search The arts & 3F Dream Ocean
TitleCall numberBarcodeLocation
1 名叫海賊的男人 [錄影資料] = 海賊とよばれた男 = Fueled : the man they called "Pirate" 987.83 2225 DVD N014359 3F Dream Ocean
2 夢想海洋 [錄影資料] = Dream ocean 994.1 1058 DVD N013967 3F Dream Ocean
3 海底墳場 : 沉歿的奴隸船 [錄影資料] = The Deadeye Bone Yard Part 1 994.3 3044 DVD N014189 3F Dream Ocean
4 海底墳場 : 風暴過後 [錄影資料] = The deadeye bone yard part 2 994.3 3044 DVD N014188 3F Dream Ocean
5 捕蝦日誌 : 搜尋失蹤帆船 [錄影資料] = The missing galleon 994.3 3044-3 DVD N014192 3F Dream Ocean
6 寶藏暗礁 : 神秘黃金盤 [錄影資料] = Mystery of the gold plate 994.3 3044-1 DVD N014190 3F Dream Ocean
7 比米尼的寶藏 [錄影資料] = Bimini 994.3 3044-4 DVD N014193 3F Dream Ocean
8 漁港的肉子 [錄影資料] : 漁港の肉子ちゃん 987.85 3321-1 N015810 3F Dream Ocean
9 Take every wave [videorecording] = 衝浪潮人 : the life of Laird Hamilton 791.4372 T139k DVD N014356 3F Dream Ocean
10 The Mercy [videorecording] = 獨帆之聲 791.4372 M539 DVD N014355 3F Dream Ocean
11 Science goes to the beach [videorecording] = 科學到海邊 791.4372 Sci26 DVD N013676 3F Dream Ocean
12 Underwater universe [videorecording] = 七大死亡海洋 791.4375 Un2 DVD N015142 3F Dream Ocean
13 模範島嶼.海上樂園 [錄影資料] : 澎湖.七美 ; 觀光文化深度之旅 = Ci Mei 733.9916 4828-1 N012846 3F Dream Ocean
14 Royal wreck of gold [videorecording] = 失落寶藏 : 皇家沉船 791.4372 R812 DVD N014360 3F Dream Ocean
15 At the edge of the world [videorecording] = 搶救鯨魚大作戰 791.4372 At1 N012844 3F Dream Ocean
16 Magic arch [videorecording] = 海豚總動員 791.4372 M272 N015713 3F Dream Ocean