National Taiwan Ocean University

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Audiovisual media


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  1. Generalities ( 23 )
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Search Technology(Applied sciences) & AV for Circulation
TitleCall numberBarcodeLocation
1 看不見的殺手 [錄影資料] : 生活中有多少看不見的毒素,你真的知道嗎?? = Invisible Killers / 418.8 8325 DVD N013823 AV for Circulation
2 夢迴樂園 [錄影資料] : 八仙塵燃燒傷者復健之路紀錄片 = Wanderland : Stories of the survivors of the Formosa Fun Coast Water Park dust explosion 415.223 2669 DVD N014480 AV for Circulation
3 養生主 [錄影資料] / 437.35 8036 N009593 AV for Circulation
4 同床異夢 [錄影資料] : 關於核電的十個短篇 449.7 0084 N009595 AV for Circulation
5 無米樂 [錄影資料] / 434.111 8036 N009599 AV for Circulation
6 穿越和平 [錄影資料] / 412.133 2575 N012342 AV for Circulation
7 偉大飛機 [錄影資料 = Great planes 777] : 波音777. 447.6 4684 N010079 AV for Circulation
8 挑戰工程極限 [錄影資料]=. Engineering the impossible 440 4410 N010064 AV for Circulation
9 樹的樂章 [錄影資料 = In celebration of the tree] : 生態紀實. 436.11 3684 N010085 AV for Circulation
10 隱形殺手 [錄影資料] : 漢他病毒/抗薬細菌/登革熱 415.2 5012 N010070 AV for Circulation
11 智慧台灣 [錄影資料]= I Taiwan : 生醫新藍海 410.35 4033 N012920 AV for Circulation
12 種樹的男人 [錄影資料] / 436.2 4407 DVD N013252 AV for Circulation
13 明日汽車 [錄影資料]= Future of the car: Bits of the picture 447.1 6635 N011332 AV for Circulation
14 台灣鐵路之旅 [錄影資料] : 尋找台灣蒸汽火車 水櫃式火車 446.37 4502 N011057 AV for Circulation
15 台灣的水庫系列 [錄影資料]= Explore Taiwan 443.64 0362 N011133 AV for Circulation
16 靑藏鐵路 [錄影資料] / 442.4 6503 N011094 AV for Circulation
17 常見疾病 [錄影資料] 10, 過敏= The body invaders: allergies 415.1 9600 N011427 AV for Circulation
18 機器人時代 [錄影資料]= Robots rising 446.014 4686 N011323 AV for Circulation
19 工程事故 [錄影資料]= Discovery magazine I : engineering disasters 441 1254 N011347 AV for Circulation
20 太空汽車 [錄影資料]= Future of the car: The space invasion 447.1 4335 N011333 AV for Circulation
21 常見疾病 [錄影資料] 8, 關節炎= The body invaders: Arthritis 415.1 9600 N011425 AV for Circulation
22 飛行里程碑 [錄影資料] 2, 火箭= Frontiers of flight: rocket power 447.7 1262 N011287 AV for Circulation
23 智慧汽車 [錄影資料]= Future of the car: Information highways 447.1 8535 N011334 AV for Circulation
24 人工受精 [錄影資料]= Making babies: the father factor 471.125 8129 N011339 AV for Circulation
25 基礎發明 [錄影資料]= Connections III : elementary stuff 440.6 4116 N011351 AV for Circulation
26 常見疾病 [錄影資料] 9, 心肌梗塞= The body invaders: heart attack 415.1 9600 N011426 AV for Circulation
27 常見疾病 [錄影資料] 12, 沉迷成癮= The body invaders: everday addictions 415.1 9600 N011429 AV for Circulation
28 飛行里程碑 [錄影資料] 1 : 動力飛行 = Frontiers of flight: powered flight 447.7 1262 N011286 AV for Circulation
29 蚊子 [錄影資料]= The original vampire 412.4923 5017 N011292 AV for Circulation
30 常見疾病 [錄影資料] 11, 頭痛= The body invaders: headaches 415.1 9600 N011428 AV for Circulation
31 探索愛滋病系列 [錄影資料] : 正視愛滋病 = AIDS: answers and berakthroughs "Changing Faces" 415.6 5423 N011433 AV for Circulation
32 台東有機牛肉推廣實況 [錄影資料] / 437.31 4054 N013052 AV for Circulation
33 橋梁工法施工影輯 [錄影資料] / 441.8 0030-1 N006956 AV for Circulation
34 核能安全你我安心 [錄影資料] : 行政院原子能委員會業務深度報導 449.68 7128 N007016 AV for Circulation
35 關懷失智症 [錄影資料] : 千萬別忘了你的「老」朋友.失智症的面面觀 415.934 4442 DVD N013183 AV for Circulation
36 安心好眠 [錄影資料] : 安心入睡不發愁:情緒與睡眠 411.77 4020 DVD N013184 AV for Circulation
37 關懷失智症 [錄影資料] : 代謝症候群會使你變笨? 415.934 1043 DVD N013181 AV for Circulation
38 安心好眠 [錄影資料] : 打鼾背後隱藏的疾病 411.77 3122 N013185 AV for Circulation
39 關懷失智症 [錄影資料] : 珍愛記憶依然精彩.談失智症照顧者的心理調適與溝通技巧 415.934 3611 DVD N013182 AV for Circulation
40 電腦的震撼 [錄影資料]= Computershock 471.5 6503 N010883 AV for Circulation
41 防治糖尿病宣導短片 [錄影資料] / 415.85 9707-1 DVD N013186 AV for Circulation
42 「未來科技狂想曲」特展紀錄影片 [錄影資料] / 410 6283 DVD N013317 AV for Circulation
43 垃圾變黃金 [錄影資料]= Garbage : The Gold of Tomorrow 445.4 0020 N013148 AV for Circulation
44 快不快樂四人行 [錄影資料]=. Happy or not 415.95 2659 N012534 AV for Circulation
45 研究方法12堂必修課 [錄影資料] : 組織行為和人力資源研究方法入門 494.2031 4494 N012004 AV for Circulation
46 地球環境生態警訊 [錄影資料]= SOS Earth calling 445.9 0233 DVD N013632 AV for Circulation
47 探索愛滋病系列 [錄影資料] : 終結愛滋病 = AIDS: answers and berakthroughs "Ending the epidemic" 415.6 5423-1 N011605 AV for Circulation
48 間諜衛星 [錄影資料]= Secret satellite 447.964 7026 N011341 AV for Circulation
49 飛行里程碑 [錄影資料] 3, 噴射機= Frontiers of flight: jet power 447.7 1262 N011288 AV for Circulation
50 生命換日線 [錄影資料] = Love makes whole 416.413 6552 DVD N014105 AV for Circulation
51 工研院技術創新軌跡系列紀錄片 [錄影資料]. 第一,二集 448.6 1057 DVD N014048 AV for Circulation
52 惡食工廠 [錄影資料] = Fed up 412.37 4454 DVD N014203 AV for Circulation
53 夢想續航 [錄影資料] : 十年前太陽能車聚集逐夢的孩子 十年後他們滿載能量航向新世界 = For More Sun II 446.6 4037 DVD N014264 AV for Circulation
54 雞肉惹的禍 [錄影資料] = The trouble with chicken 412.37 4647 DVD N014296 AV for Circulation
55 築地市場 [錄影資料] : 和食之心:Tsukiji Wonderland 498.7 3494 DVD N014297 AV for Circulation
56 台灣黑狗兄 [錄影資料] = Sock'n Roll 488 4662 DVD N014280 AV for Circulation
57 海洋救援隊 [錄影資料] = Ocean rescue Australia 437.2 5050 DVD N014186 AV for Circulation
58 2011 湄公河建水庫發電環保與經濟爭議 [錄影資料] 443.6438 4440 DVD N014164 AV for Circulation
59 從廣島到福島 [錄影資料] = From Hiroshima to Fukushima 449.83 2759 DVD N014445 AV for Circulation
60 潺潺流水 [錄影資料] : 臺灣農田水利紀實 434.257 4825 DVD N015162 AV for Circulation
61 食安的代價 [錄影資料] : The price of progress 411.3 2853 N015382 AV for Circulation
62 神殿 [錄影資料] = Sacred forest 436.133 4183 N015435 AV for Circulation
63 鯨與象 [錄影資料] = The rescuer 445.986 1114 N015601 AV for Circulation
64 為海洋生態種樹的漁夫 [錄影資料] = The fisherman and the forest 445.96 6503 N015738 AV for Circulation
65 捕鰻的人 [錄影資料] = The catch 438.661 0854 N015759 AV for Circulation
66 狂熱果粉的哲學思考 [錄影資料] = Apple, the Tyrannical Rule of Cool 448.845 0018 N015767 AV for Circulation
67 一粒種子 [錄影資料] : 楊儒門日記 = Growth with hope 434.11 4411 N015778 AV for Circulation
68 海岸群像 [錄影資料]= Face by Intertidal 438.26 4183 N015871 AV for Circulation
69 白色珊瑚海 [錄影資料] = The white coral sea 445.99 4183 N015878 AV for Circulation
70 Multimedia Fluid Mechanic [videorecording] 620.106 M919|e2007 N012332 AV for Circulation
71 Practical accident investigation [videorecording] 665.5385 P881 N010131 AV for Circulation
72 Successful hiring [videorecording] : it's your business! 658.311 L24 N010175 AV for Circulation
73 Internal care of marine boilers [videorecording] 665.5385 T737|e1984 N010204 AV for Circulation
74 The LNG carrier steam plant tutor [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010229 AV for Circulation
75 Portable tanks & tank containers [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010252 AV for Circulation
76 Ship stability [videorecording] 665.5385 Sh64 N010182 AV for Circulation
77 The handling & treatment of heavy fuels [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010201 AV for Circulation
78 Bunkering operations [videorecording] : safe oil transfer procedures 665.5385 T737 N010274 AV for Circulation
79 Ro-Ro safety and operations (part one) [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010249 AV for Circulation
80 Response to marine oil spills, pt. 1 [videorecording] : the oil spill 665.5385 T737 N010211 AV for Circulation
81 Crude oil washing operations [videorecording] : 665.5385 T737 N010230 AV for Circulation
82 Successful termination [videorecording] : it's your business! 658.311 L24 N010176 AV for Circulation
83 ISPS & MTSA training series [videorecording] : security equipment. 658.47 M872 N010004 AV for Circulation
84 Seafarer's manual [electronic resource] : manual on operational requirements for seafarers. 665.5385 Se12 N010180 AV for Circulation
85 Preventing sexual harassment [videorecording] : it's your business! 658.311 L24 N010173 AV for Circulation
86 Reefer container operations [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010253 AV for Circulation
87 ISPS & MTSA training series [videorecording] : emergency preparedness, drills, exercises abd search procedures. 658.47 M872 N010002 AV for Circulation
88 ISPS & MTSA training series [videorecording] : security training. 658.47 M872 N010164 AV for Circulation
89 Preventing sexual harassment [videorecording] : it's your business! 658.311 L24 N010174 AV for Circulation
90 The ADA and disability law [videorecording] : it's your business! 658.311 L24 N010172 AV for Circulation
91 Ro-Ro safety and cargo operations [videorecording] 665.5385 T737|e1989 N010248 AV for Circulation
92 Fire party operations [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010265 AV for Circulation
93 Bulk carrier safeguards [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010261 AV for Circulation
94 Good bunkering practice [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010273 AV for Circulation
95 Over and under pressurisation of tanks [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010240 AV for Circulation
96 Diesel engine crankcase lubricating oil [videorecording] : treatment and analysis. 665.5385 T737 N010200 AV for Circulation
97 Electrical installation [videorecording] : installing cables. 665.5385 T737 N010295 AV for Circulation
98 Cargo lashing operations (Ro-Ro) [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010250 AV for Circulation
99 Basic bunkering - part 2 [vidoerecording] : technical. 665.5385 T737 N010276 AV for Circulation
100 Fire fighting and safe cargo operations of car carriers [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010256 AV for Circulation
101 Safety in offshore operations [vidoerecording] 665.5385 T737 N010207 AV for Circulation
102 Tanker practices series - part 1 [vidoerecording] : pumping cargo 1 665.5385 T737 N010235 AV for Circulation
103 Electrical installation [videorecording] : cable trunking & trays. 665.5385 T737 N010294 AV for Circulation
104 Ship handing in restricted waters [videorecording] : ship sauat and shallow water effects. 665.5385 T737 N010186 AV for Circulation
105 Safe packing and securement of cargo in ereight containers and vehicles [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010216 AV for Circulation
106 Being prepared-"Getting ready for survey" - part 3 [vidoerecording] : safety construction survey. 665.5385 T737 N010190 AV for Circulation
107 Oily water separators [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010233 AV for Circulation
108 Response to marine oil spills, pt. 4 [videorecording] : shore line clean-up 665.5385 T737 N010214 AV for Circulation
109 Being prepared-"Getting ready for survey" - part 2 [vidoerecording] : safety construction survey. 665.5385 T737 N010189 AV for Circulation
110 Tanker practices series - part 4 [vidoerecording] : heating cargo. 665.5385 T737 N010238 AV for Circulation
111 Chemical tanker operations - part 2 [vidoerecording] : prevention of pollution. 665.5385 T737 N010246 AV for Circulation
112 Coupling alignment techniques [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010288 AV for Circulation
113 Diesel fuel injection pumps [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010203 AV for Circulation
114 Safe use of cranes in the offshore industry [vidoerecording] 665.5385 T737 N010209 AV for Circulation
115 Tanker practices series - part 3 [vidoerecording] : tank cleaning. 665.5385 T737 N010237 AV for Circulation
116 Fire fighting on container ships [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010254 AV for Circulation
117 An introduction to chemical tankers [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010244 AV for Circulation
118 Welding safety [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010206 AV for Circulation
119 Tanker practices series - part 5 [vidoerecording] : measuring cargo. 665.5385 T737 N010239 AV for Circulation
120 Cleaning water tube boilers [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010282 AV for Circulation
121 IMO e-learning [electronic resource] : a course for marine accident & incident investigators. 665.5385 In8 N010179 AV for Circulation
122 Chemical water treatment [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010283 AV for Circulation
123 Centrifugal pumps [videorecording] : theory and operation. 665.5385 T737 N010232 AV for Circulation
124 Operation and maintenance of inert gas systems [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010231 AV for Circulation
125 Electrical installation [videorecording] : conduite. 665.5385 T737 N010293 AV for Circulation
126 Response to marine oil spills, pt. 3 [videorecording] : the use of dispersants 665.5385 T737 N010213 AV for Circulation
127 Offshore anchor handing [vidoerecording] 665.5385 T737 N010208 AV for Circulation
128 Prevention and reaction to marine oil spills [videorecording] : seafarer's role. 665.5385 T737 N010267 AV for Circulation
129 Chemical tanker operations - part 1 [vidoerecording] : cargoes, ships and leaislation. 665.5385 T737 N010245 AV for Circulation
130 Prevention and reaction to marine oil spills under OPA 90 [videorecording]. 665.5385 T737 N010268 AV for Circulation
131 Mooring operations (Ro-Ro) [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010251 AV for Circulation
132 Ship handing in restricted waters [videorecording] : bank effect and interaction between two ships. 665.5385 T737 N010187 AV for Circulation
133 Response to marine oil spills, pt. 5 [videorecording] : planning and operatons 665.5385 T737 N010215 AV for Circulation
134 Electrical installation [videorecording] : serving a motor & starter. 665.5385 T737 N010225 AV for Circulation
135 Electrical installation [videorecording] : inspection & testing. 665.5385 T737 N010224 AV for Circulation
136 Electrical installation [videorecording] : terminating cables. 665.5385 T737 N010296 AV for Circulation
137 Hull stress monitoring [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010258 AV for Circulation
138 Response to marine oil spills, pt. 2 [videorecording] : containment and recovery 665.5385 T737 N010212 AV for Circulation
139 Bridge procedures and bridge resource management - pt.4 [videorecording] : accident prevention - the human factor. 665.5385 T737 N010183 AV for Circulation
140 Basic marine lubrication - part 3 [vidoerecording] : lubrication of ancillary equinment. 665.5385 T737 N010199 AV for Circulation
141 Being prepared-"Getting ready for survey" - part 1 [vidoerecording] : loadine survey. 665.5385 T737 N010188 AV for Circulation
142 Basic bunkering - part 3 [vidoerecording] : Operations. 665.5385 T737 N010277 AV for Circulation
143 Underwater electrical safety [vidoerecording] 665.5385 T737 N010210 AV for Circulation
144 Tanker practices series - part 2 [vidoerecording] : pumping cargo 2 665.5385 T737 N010236 AV for Circulation
145 桃園市政建設簡介 [錄影資料]=. An introduction to the urban development projects of Taoyuan ciry government 678.411 4621 N010472 AV for Circulation
146 Fate of the oceans [videorecording] = 海洋的宿命 : 全球魚類生態浩劫探索 : part 1, Plundering the oceans 639.2 F268 DVD N013240 AV for Circulation
147 Towards a greener future [videorecording] = 建立一個綠色的未來/環境方案 628 T65 DVD N013245 AV for Circulation
148 Fate of the oceans [videorecording] = 海洋的宿命 : 全球魚類生態浩劫探索 : part 2 Protecting the ocenas 639.2 F268 DVD N013241 AV for Circulation
149 Hydrogen Hawaií [videorecording] 669.9 H995 N013013 AV for Circulation
150 台灣珍寶 [錄影資料]. [1], 米=. Treasures of Taiwan: rise 677.4 2313 N011263 AV for Circulation
151 台灣珍寶 [錄影資料]. [2], 茶=. Treasures of Taiwan: tea 677.4 2313 N011264 AV for Circulation
152 台灣珍寶 [錄影資料]. [5], 年=. Treasures of twiwan: Lunar new year 677.4 2313 N011267 AV for Circulation
153 台灣珍寶 [錄影資料]. [3], 歌仔戲=. Treasures of twiwan: ke-tse opera 677.4 2313 N011265 AV for Circulation
154 台灣珍寶 [錄影資料]. [4], 媽祖=. Treasures of twiwan: matsu sea goodess 677.4 2313 N011266 AV for Circulation
155 To engineer is human [videorecording] = 工程學中的人性因素 620.0042 T55 N011005 AV for Circulation
156 Nanotopia [videorecording] = 奈米技術 620.5 N157b N011657 AV for Circulation
157 Mir mortals [videorecording] : Lost in space = 太空迷航 629.442 M67 N011667 AV for Circulation
158 An experiment to save the world [videorecording] = 最新聲波核融合理論 621.484 Ex71 N011681 AV for Circulation
159 Barrels of crude and wallaroos [videorecording] = 兼顧石油開採與生態保育的典範 622.3382 B274 N011663 AV for Circulation
160 靈域對話 [錄影資料]=. Spirit talk 677.6 6341 N011592 AV for Circulation
161 After the flood [videorecording] = 人類與河流的抗爭 627.10977 Af89 N011665 AV for Circulation
162 Introduction to energy medicine [videorecording] 615.851 In8 N010740 AV for Circulation
163 地圖繪製師傳奇 [錄影資料]=. The map makers 609.2 4622 N013109 AV for Circulation
164 Seismic data processing [videodisc] 622.159 Se45 N014989 AV for Circulation
165 Metallurgy for the non-metallurgist [videorecording]. DVD 7, Case hardening of steel 672 M564 DVD N013641 AV for Circulation
166 Casting [videorecording] 671.2 C278 DVD N013642 AV for Circulation
167 Metals in the plant 10010506 [videorecording]. Lesson six, Heat treatment 669.142 M564 DVD N013639 AV for Circulation
168 Heat treating [videorecording] 671.36 H351 DVD N013640 AV for Circulation
169 Bulk carriers [videorecording] : handle with care 665.5385 T737 N010260 AV for Circulation
170 Margins of safety [videorecording] 665.5385 T737 N010185 AV for Circulation
171 Working principles [videorecording] = 史上重要工程學原理集錦 620 W892 N011004 AV for Circulation
172 Journal of navigation [electronic resource] : CD-ROM archive from 1948. 629.045 R812 PA000252 AV for Circulation
173 Genetic roulette [videorecording] = 基改食品的秘密 : the gamble of our lives 664 G286 DVD N013767 AV for Circulation
174 Acland's DVD atlas of human anatomy [videorecording] 611 Ac61 N011967 AV for Circulation
175 蝴蝶密碼 [錄影資料]=. The butterfly gode 677.6 6341-2 N011594 AV for Circulation
176 賽鴿風雲 [錄影資料]=. The pigeon game 677.6 6341-1 N011593 AV for Circulation
177 Like the others [videorecording] = 我們都一樣 618.9289 L627 DVD N014081 AV for Circulation
178 Forget me not [videorecording] = 明天你是否依然記得我 616.831 F763 DVD N014064 AV for Circulation
179 Too sane for this world [videorecording] = 星星的世界 616.8588 T617 DVD N014063 AV for Circulation
180 The code: debugging the gender gap [videorecording] = 翻轉職場性別差距 604.82 C648 DVD N014145 AV for Circulation
181 In defense of food [videorecording] = 飲食覺醒 613 Im9 DVD N014146 AV for Circulation
182 Chicken planet [videorecording] = 維雞百科 636.5 C432 DVD N014180 AV for Circulation
183 H.O.P.E. Food Matters, You Matter [videorecording] = 綠色飲食革命 613.2 H771 DVD N014178 AV for Circulation
184 Yoghurt, as pure as snow? [videorecording] = 優格的秘密 637.145 Y75 DVD N014183 AV for Circulation
185 Leaving Africa [videorecording] = 非洲,再見 613.9071 L489 DVD N014149 AV for Circulation
186 My millennial life [videorecording] = 我的千禧人生 646.7 M99 DVD N014144 AV for Circulation
187 Milk? [videorecording] = 牛奶的秘密 637.1 M599 DVD N013769 AV for Circulation
188 西藏禁地 [錄影資料] : 闖入中國高原上的神秘禁地. 676.6 8663 N012290 AV for Circulation
189 Chemical tank cleaning & inspection [videorecording] 665.5385 M695 2000 DVD N014290 AV for Circulation
190 Same But Different [videorecording] = 我們有點不一樣 618.9233 Sa44 DVD N014368 AV for Circulation
191 Wastecooking [videorecording] = 美味的垃圾 641.5 W288 DVD N013988 AV for Circulation
192 Atanasoff : father of the computer [videorecording] = 電腦之父:阿塔纳索夫 621.39 At16 DVD N014416 AV for Circulation
193 Cell phones : weapons of mass addiction [videorecording] = 手機成癮 616.85 C33 N015383 AV for Circulation
194 Affected: The Story of US [videorecording] = 疫情來襲:我們的故事 616.91 Af26 N015594 AV for Circulation