National Taiwan Ocean University

Office of Library and Information Technology


Audiovisual media


Book classification
  1. Generalities ( 23 )
  2. Philosophy & psychology ( 51 )
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  8. 5F Avth Room ( 2 )
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  13. 3F Dream Ocean ( 85 )
Search Language & AV for Circulation
TitleCall numberBarcodeLocation
1 幸福人生講座 [錄影資料] : 細講<<弟子規>> 802.81 4434 N012732 AV for Circulation
2 鍊.火之畫作 [錄影資料] 863.51 3131-11 DVD N014113 AV for Circulation
3 醫療生技大思維 [錄影資料] = The big idea of biomedical technology. 410 7025:1 N014483 AV for Circulation
4 偉大建築 [錄影資料] : 直入天際 = Super structures of America : reach for the sky 441 4430 N010065 AV for Circulation
5 偉大建築 [錄影資料] : 改變地界 = Super structures of America : Thinking big 441 4430-1 N010066 AV for Circulation
6 忠實伴侣 [錄影資料]=. Dogs 437.66 2444 N010090 AV for Circulation
7 終極噴射機 [錄影資料]=. future wing 3 : mega jets 447.9 4464-1 N010405 AV for Circulation
8 太空飛行器 [錄影資料]=. future wings 4 : space planes 447.9 4464-2 N010406 AV for Circulation
9 地底隧道 [錄影資料]=. Tunnels : digging in 441.9 3064 N010068 AV for Circulation
10 偉大橋樑 [錄影資料]=. Bridges : reaching out] 441.8 3064 N010067 AV for Circulation
11 認識飛行 [錄影資料]=. understanding : flight 447.5 2151 N010408 AV for Circulation
12 摩天大樓 [錄影資料]=. Skycrapers : going up 441.3 3064 N010069 AV for Circulation
13 工程大突破 [錄影資料]. [2] : 香港新機場 = Extreme engineering : building Hong Kong's airport 440 1243 N012942 AV for Circulation
14 建築奇觀 [錄影資料] : HII-A太空火箭 447.961 1251 N012928 AV for Circulation
15 工程大突破 [錄影資料]. [1] : 東京空中之城 = Extreme engineering : Tokyo sky city 440 1243 N012941 AV for Circulation
16 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 3.. 以客為尊,創造更大利基!=. CEO exchange. 3 494.21 4604 N012410 AV for Circulation
17 建築奇觀 [錄影資料] : 台北101大樓 = Man made marvels : Taipei 101 441.407 1251 N012926 AV for Circulation
18 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 7.. 這就是你的生活,放遠未來!=. CEO exchange. 7 494.21 4604 N012414 AV for Circulation
19 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 9.. 發揮創意,讓生活更好!=. CEO exchange. 9 494.21 4604 N012416 AV for Circulation
20 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 8.. 獨特創見的CEO,如何吸引合適之才?=. CEO exchange. 8 494.21 4604 N012415 AV for Circulation
21 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 4.. 旗開得勝!掌握運動行銷策略,贏取顧客!=. CEO exchange. 4 494.21 4604 N012411 AV for Circulation
22 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 1.. 嶄新的一天,全錄與可口可樂活力再現!=. CEO exchange. 1 494.21 4604 N012408 AV for Circulation
23 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 5.. 為世界補給與加油,讓地球有更健康的抉擇!=. CEO exchange. 5 494.21 4604 N012412 AV for Circulation
24 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 6.. 散發光采,讓你更好看!=. CEO exchange. 6 494.21 4604 N012413 AV for Circulation
25 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 2.. 保障未來-電腦世代的英雄與惡徒=. CEO exchange. 2 494.21 4604 N012409 AV for Circulation
26 CEO校園論壇 [錄影資料]. 10.. 創造趨勢,打造未來!=. CEO exchange. 10 494.21 4604 N012417 AV for Circulation
27 認識電力 [錄影資料]=. Understanding IV: electricity 448.003 0014 N011360 AV for Circulation
28 飛行恐懼 [錄影資料]. 1, 墜機事件=. Extreme machines: fear of flying. crash landing 447.88 1219 N011398 AV for Circulation
29 藍色警戒 [錄影資料]=. Blue alert 445.9 4255 N011228 AV for Circulation
30 長途飛行健康談 [錄影資料]=. Health in the air 412.85 7312 N011421 AV for Circulation
31 飛行恐懼 [錄影資料]. 2, 緊急迫降=. Extreme machines: fear of flying. mayday 447.88 1219 N011399 AV for Circulation
32 偵探風暴災難 [錄影資料] : Disaster detectives ; wind 408 7123 N013145 AV for Circulation
33 偵探水患災難 [錄影資料] : Disaster detectives ; water 408 7123 N013146 AV for Circulation
34 新世紀能源觀 [錄影資料] : 綠能趨勢 400.15 0233 N012521 AV for Circulation
35 偵探地殼活動災難 [錄影資料] : Disaster detectives ; earth 408 7123 N013143 AV for Circulation
36 偵探火災災難 [錄影資料] : Disaster detectives ; fire 408 7123 N013144 AV for Circulation
37 全球水資源 [錄影資料] : 乾渴的地球 443 0233 N012569 AV for Circulation
38 迅雷直升機 [錄影資料]=. future winge 5 : fomorrow's thunder 447.9 5044 N010407 AV for Circulation
39 空中主宰F-22 [錄影資料]=. future wings 1 : air kominance 447.9 4464 N010403 AV for Circulation
40 無人間諜機 [錄影資料]=. future wings 2 : eyes in the sky 447.9 4464-3 N010404 AV for Circulation
41 快時尚當道 [錄影資料] = A fashion uprising 488.98 2134 N015398 AV for Circulation
42 汽車安全大思維 [錄影資料] : 防護系統&智能駕駛 = The big idea of how safe is your car? 447.17 3437 N015447 AV for Circulation
43 我的樂高手臂 [錄影資料] = Mr. Hand Solo 448.992 6060 N015656 AV for Circulation
44 無人機的時代 [錄影資料] = The age of the drone 448.962 4810 N015664 AV for Circulation
45 母親的妥瑞氏症候群 [錄影資料] : The Mum who got Tourette's 415.9896 5042 N015667 AV for Circulation
46 成癮心理與精神疾病 [錄影資料] = In my mind 415.98 5143 N015728 AV for Circulation
47 流產的失落與創傷 [錄影資料] = Mum : misunderstandings of miscarriage 417.3 7444 N015696 AV for Circulation
48 水資源議題 [錄影資料] = Water issues 445.9 4084 N015789 AV for Circulation
49 風能 [錄影資料] = Taming wind / 448.165 7114 N015791 AV for Circulation
50 氣候變遷下的資源循環 = Climate for change : closing the loop 445.97 7354 N015821 AV for Circulation
51 氣候變遷下的永續綠能 = Climate for change 400.15 7354 N015819 AV for Circulation